It is important to mention that this blog will not be written from a position of authority. The focus of what I will be describing in the weeks, months, and hopefully years to come will be out of my brokenness. I have reached a point where I am simply unhappy with my life. I am not unhappy with my family, my job, my house, or my car. I am unhappy that I feel distant from God. I am unhappy that I feel empty and ineffective in many of my relationships. I am unhappy that I weigh more than I ever have in my life. I am unhappy that I have problems with my health that are more than likely tied directly to my weight, diet, and activity level. The circumstances of my life have been crashing against my convictions to give my time in ministry, in service, to family, to friends. I am constantly exhausted. I never want to do anything except sleep and when I wake I am still exhausted. I know in my heart that this is not the life that God destined for me. I need a RADICAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION. I am not an expert in this concept. I did not read a revolutionary book that inspired me to this realization. I am simply tired of looking up from this pit of despair, hoping to catch a glimpse of the light that might filter down into the emotional quagmire I find myself in.
I believe my life can be broken into two components, the spiritual and the physical. In this blog, I will simply be explaining my goals, describing the process, admitting my failures, and celebrating victories, in both areas weekly. My hope is that this forum will help keep me accountable, encourage me when I am struggling, and maybe, just maybe, inspire others that are unhappy with the current state of their own life, spiritual, physical or otherwise. Whether you are on a mission to get back in shape, lose some weight, or improve your cholesterol, it is likely that we will be reading some of the same information, attempting some of the same exercises, or looking for recipes to try. If you are wondering if God is real, if you question things you find in the Bible, or if you desire a stronger relationship with God, it is definitely likely we will be walking along the same road. Life is hard, let's do it together! Join me on this journey of a RADICAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION, I have no doubt it will be worth it.
My father was not a Christian, but by the world's standards he was a successful man. In my younger days he taught me several lessons about life that stuck with me. One in particular comes to mind as I initiate this plan to make changes in these areas of my life. How will I know if I am successful? Dad defined success as "the continual pursuit of pre-determined, worthwhile goals." I fully realize the difficulty in setting goals that apply to spiritual growth and overall health. However, I do know that improvement in these areas is certainly worthwhile, so initially my goals will be simple and aimed at changing daily habits. Once I have made some progress defeating poor habits, my goals will adapt into more specific and difficult benchmarks. Over time, I fully expect to look back on this day as a turning point in my life, a memory faded by years of light and sweat. Whether you decide to check in on me or subscribe to my blog and start making changes in your own life, I thank you. No matter how much darkness you are facing, just remember that even a sliver of light can destroy that darkness. NEVER QUIT!
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